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Position: President - Christine Deacon

The President presides over the monthly PTSA meetings, creates the agendas, sends communication to members, reviews the monthly bank statements, acts as liaison between the school administration and members, oversees the PTSA committees and ensures compliance with the Standards of Affiliation checklist, oversees board elections, approval of budget, and standing rules, and participates in the WA state PTA training

Position: Vice President - Dianne Nagasaka

The Vice President attends the monthly PTSA meeting, may act as a check signer, may perform presidential duties when necessary, assists in filling open positions and committees, and participates in the WA state PTA training.

Position: Secretary - Shari Allard

The Secretary takes minutes at the monthly meetings. Keeps a roster of attendees. Presents minutes of previous meetings at the monthly meeting for approval. Confirms quorum is present for voting, and may act as a check signer.

Position: Treasurer - Janet Hoffman

The Treasurer creates and presents monthly reports, maintains control over the bank account and check book, acts as a check signer, performs budgetary duties that include, but are not limited to, budgetary reviews, monthly and annual reports, and other financial processes.

Position: Deanne Toth

The Clothing Bank chair organizes a group of volunteers to work at the clothing bank on our assigned night and announce upcoming clothing bank open nights.

Position: Founder’s Day Basket (Open)

The Founder’s Day Basket chair will coordinate a theme with the Kent Area Council PTSA for the event raffle basket, which is a fundraiser for Senior Scholarships.

Position: Senior Celebration - Heidi Parrott

The Grad Night/Senior Celebration chair coordinates a committee to plan the event, as well as acquiring funding and donations for said event.

Position: Membership (Open)

The Membership chair sets up a Memberplanet account with new board members as well as overseeing membership accounts during the year, and recruits new members.

Position: Scholarships - ReBecca Bly Alstrom

The Scholarships chair organizes the committee to nominate scholarship winners.

Position: Dianne Nagasaka 

The PTSA Social Media chair oversees all the PTSA social media pages.  

Position: Spirit Wear - Deanne Toth

The Spirit Wear chair sells and coordinates designs. 

Position: Staff Appreciation - Michelle Mong 

The Staff Appreciation chair oversees a committee to coordinate lunch/dinner during conference and Staff Appreciation.

Position: Reflections (Open)

Reflections is a national program celebrating the arts. The Reflections chair would present the theme for that year to the student body. Students can create an art piece in 6 different areas (Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts). Art pieces are voted on by a panel of judges.

Position: PTSA Website - Daniel Diyali

The PTSA Website chair organizes and updates the PTSA website.

Position: PTSA Digital Design (OPEN)

The PTSA Digital Design chair creates advertisements and graphics.

Position: Annual Awards - Christine Deacon

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